I used to when I was RC.
I loved singing the Latin stuff - Regina Coeli and Alma Redemptoris especially, besides the various Ave Marias.
I don't feel the need to actively seek intercession from the saints now. I know they're praying/interceding for the whole church anyway - Revelation 8: 3-4, Hebrews 12: 1-3. But I no longer knock those who still do (when I first quit the RC church, I was very anti praying to the saints - I've moved on since then). I don't see much difference between asking you to pray for me and asking a saint to pray for me (waiting for an atheist to chime in with 'neither will get you an answer anyway'!).
Even the Rosary is mostly meditation on events in Christ's life. "Mary treasured these things in her heart", can we not ponder and treasure them with her if it draws us closer to her son?
Whilst I type this post, I'm looking across at an icon of 'Our Lady of Perpetual Succour' which rests on the shelf above my fireplace - a painting which holds very deep symbolism, such that it draws me closer to Christ in prayer whilst recognising Mary's important role in our salvation too (no I don't mean she has a direct part in salvation Chalam, LOL!)